August Right Now Report

The Right Now Report gives you the high-level updates you need without the unnecessary clutter. In the August Right Now Report, we’ll explore customer retention, Reels best practices to follow on Instagram and the latest on Google’s cookie policy.

Don’t forget to keep your current customers happy

Consulting firm Bain & Company (the company behind the creation of the Net Promoter Score) holds a theory that “increasing customer retention by as little as 5 percent, profits can be boosted by as much as 95 percent.” Talk about some incredible return on investment. While not all businesses will see this level of success the underlying principle remains undeniable: satisfied customers are necessary for your business to thrive.

Here’s why you should prioritize customer retention as a marketing strategy: 


  • Existing customers already know and trust your brand and you can grow that relationship from there. 
  • They’re more likely to make repeat purchases or upgrade their service.
  • Acquiring new customers is costly—often five to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones. Churn rate, the percentage of customers who stop using your service or purchasing your product, is crucial to monitor. By targeting the right customers from the start and keeping them satisfied, you can reduce churn and save money.
  • Word-of-mouth marketing will happen as happy customers will tell their friends, their co-workers and even strangers about your product or service if they love it enough.

When you focus on customer retention, not only will you have happier customers, but you’re also more likely to hit your financial goals. 

Reels best practices on Instagram

Instagram’s Professional Dashboard (available on the mobile app) now provides access to the best practices for creating and sharing Reels. While many creators may already be familiar with these guidelines, it’s always helpful to have a checklist when creating your content.

Key recommendations include:

  • Hook your audience within the first three seconds. 
  • Keep your length between 30 and 60 seconds. 
  • Using trending and audio hashtags increases how many people will see your Reel. 
  • Post 10 Reels a month to build up your audience. 
  • Reply to comments within 7 days.

Creating interesting and impactful content takes time and energy so it’s important to prioritize it getting seen by as many people as possible to reach your goals.

Need help planning content that stands out? We’d love to help! Connect with us here to get the conversation started.

Google wants to leave cookie choices to consumers
Google is shifting its approach to user data privacy. In a blog post this past month, Anthony Chavez, VP, of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, shared that Google is proposing an option that will let users decide if third-party cookies can track their online behavior instead of phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome. Third-party cookies are files placed on a user’s computer to track their data across websites for advertising and analytics purposes.


 “Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time,” said Chavez.
This shift would be similar to Apple’s App-Tracking Transparency framework that was rolled out in 2021 which requires app developers to get permission before sharing data with third parties. We’ll be keeping an eye out for new details from Google as this develops.
Other news you should know

TikTok users can now add custom thumbnails to their videos

On TikTok, users can now choose a custom thumbnail for their videos, either by selecting a still image from the video or uploading a specially designed image to attract viewers. Although most users discover content through their For You Page, this new feature can help your videos stand out in search results and on your profile, making them more noticeable and likely to grab attention. 

If you have any questions about these topics or would like support in implementing these trends in your own marketing strategy, we’re here to help. We’re committed to helping you navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing with ease.

We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us today to explore how working with Right Relations can help you stay ahead of the curve and bring joy back to your marketing efforts.